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How to think critically.

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Managing 'crisis thought processes.'


Creative action in critical situations.




In our continuing “deconstruction of the book form” - the Adelaja Foundation presents a ‘new idea.’


This process of “deconstruction of the book form” is necessary, we believe if this venerable institution of human creation, intellectual ingenuity and powerful manifestation of ‘human thought’ - throughout the millennia, is to survive the new ‘Information Technology Age.’


What does the environment of this new ‘Information Technology Age’ look like? -


It has been summed up quite succinctly - in the pithy preposition - “Big Tech! Big Data! Big Boots!” (C. Adelaja)  


The tyranny of the first two “Big’s” - leads to the third, which is reflected in government, in such forms as ‘global governance’ the ‘New World Order,’ ‘Technocracy’ - all categories of tyranny, given the current state of TransGeo-Politics.  This is the field - within which the modern book has to survive - can it? 


If the above is the ‘Quantum Metaverse’ - the ‘Omnium’ - ‘informational reality,’ which we conveniently call - ‘Information Technology’ - what does its physical manifestation look like? 


For a start, it’s ‘peopled with machines!’ - ‘Robots,’ ‘Si-borgs,’ ‘Hybrid Creatures’ - ‘Androids,’ human style / form ‘mimicus’ and other assorted ‘living machine species’ - ‘Mockers!?’


The monotheistic among you would recognise or at the very least, almost certainly have encountered their ‘God’ - ‘ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE!’  - Those who are of a polytheistic frame of mind - will almost certainly have had - ‘run-ins!’ - with “the bots!” - whose numerous Deities, sit like satisfied, plump “Demon Princes” - in the realm of Cyberspace.


In our first “act of deconstruction” we stated - “The 'Author' is dead!” - what has taken her / his place? - And what is the vehicle or vehicles, for this new incarnation of a cherished, redoubtable and long-valued mode of expression - namely the book.  


We commenced with the “BOOK-IN” and here we present the “TINDEX” or “T-INDEX” - conflating the concept of ‘TITLE INDEX.’ 


In this form, here we bring the ‘Indexer’ and the ‘Author’ together and request that they co-operate.


So what is this “TINDEX?”


As its title has indicated, it is a conflation of a ‘Book’ and an Index.  However, in this case, the ‘Book’ is the ‘Title’ - with its ‘various components’ (words - terms - elements) and its suggested themes (internal processes) all moving towards a common goal or purpose - within a “field of thought” (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works - “Consciousness, Mind & The Brain.”)  Thus, the "TINDEX" has its 'Index' 'determined,' 'influenced' and 'formed' - by 'themes,' suggested both 'directly' and 'obliquely' by the title itself.


So how does it work?


  1.  THE TITLE - The Title is framed as a Book Title.

  2.  THE INDEXER / AUTHOR - uses the Book Title, its words, terms, elements etc… to create an Index. 


Thus the “TINDEX” is formed, in that, there is an “INDEX” whose “SUBJECT HEADLINE INDEX” (Subject matter) has been determined, by an “INDEXER” who has not created an “INDEX” based on the genus / category of the ‘subject matter’ - but the title of a Book!


In approaching the creation of an “INDEX” in this way, “THE INDEXER” is liberated, s/he becomes a proto author - for s/he will determine the contents of the “INDEX” - thus the “INDEX” becomes less an “INDEX” - although it still is, in form - but can now be enjoyed as a Book! - It is after all now as “unknown” - as a Book, for until the “SUBJECT HEADLINE INDEX” is consulted, a reader will not necessarily know what the “INDEX” will contain.  One can envisage titles, that are sufficiently obscure - as to reveal nothing as to what the “INDEX” will contain.  Indeed," it will be “THE INDEXER’s” name which might suggest to the prospective reader, that the contents of this “INDEX” is worth perusing.   We can also see advantages of this form for, even if the reader of the “INDEX” has not “enjoyed” the “TINDEX” - the indexed information - stands ‘objectively’ - independent, as information. 


In addition to the above - the “TINDEX,” neat so to speak, there can be a variation. 


This is a “TINDEX” with “BOOK-IN” “characteristics” or “aspects.”  In other words, the “TINDEX” will also have a “BOOK-IN” facility, whereby “THE INDEXER” can complete her/his transition into becoming an Author - by contribution to the “BOOK-IN.”  As with all “BOOK-IN’s” the “BOOK-IN” aspect / characteristic may provide a facility for multiple contributors as Author.  (For details of the “BOOK-IN” - click here.) 


So there is the “TINDEX” - if nothing else, it should make Index Titles more interesting. 

For ADELAJA's -'Critical Thinking' 'Crisis Thought,' 'Creative Action' -

General Contents Page -



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Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja & Candice Adelaja

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